It is no secret within the Lakeland website design industry that designing an eCommerce website can be fairly complicated. This is because there are so many parts that make up the parts of a functioning eCommerce website. The many factors can make it easier to fail. One of the most important things that you have to pay attention to in any eCommerce site is the product pages.

After all, the site’s product pages are the core of any eCommerce site and are the main thing that users are going to be looking at. Because of how important they are, it’s important that you get these right. Any eCommerce website will not be able to succeed without good product pages, so to help you out, here are some Lakeland website design tips that can help you design the perfect product page.

Make sure that it’s mobile-friendly

Mobile technology is the primary form of technology used by the general population, so it’s important that you take the steps needed to accommodate them. When it comes to eCommerce, mobile-friendliness should be your main priority because it has been observed that eCommerce platforms are typically browsed on mobile devices, and conversions typically come from mobile users. With this in mind, it’s essential that you design your eCommerce website to be easily accessed and browsed on mobile devices.

Work on your calls-to-action

One of the most important factors of a successful conversion is the call-to-action (CTA) that you use in the conversion journey. After all, how will a user know where to make the purchase without the conversion action? A good CTA can go a long way in helping improve conversions on your product pages, which leads to better sales. When done right, a CTA should be placed in a location that your user can easily see, without interfering with their browsing experience.

Keep it short and relevant

Any good eCommerce product page will include additional information about the product on it to give the user a closer look at what they can expect from the product that they are considering. However, keep in mind that when you’re creating the content for your product pages, these should be kept short and to the point.

Users are only interested in certain specifics about your products, not an in-depth review of each one. Product text is supposed to supply users with a brief overview and specifications about the product to help them decide whether or not this product is what they need.