As a Lakeland website design owner, one of the most important things that you have to do is keep track of your website’s metrics. Your site’s metrics are a strong indicator of how well your website is doing on different levels. However, keep in mind that some metrics, while nice to look at, aren’t really a good indicator of website success. These are what are known as vanity metrics and can end up distracting you from the real metrics that you have to pay attention to. Here are some vanity metrics that don’t do much for the success of your website.

Social media followers

Social media is almost synonymous with online marketing, which is directly tied to the success of your website. You may be surprised to learn that social media followers across all platforms are not a strong indicator of the success of your marketing. This is because, with the high volume of bots and fake accounts that are on social media, numbers aren’t a true indicator of the size of your audience anymore. Unfortunately, because of impressive it usually sounds, many people rely on website traffic and social media followers to indicate success. The more important metric to look at is website conversions.

Blog page views

Blog content is a very integral part of your online marketing strategy. However, blog page views are not a strong indicator of the success of your blog content because all it’s showing you is how many people have opened the link to your blog page without telling you whether they have interacted with the actual content or even if they’ve read the content. Like site traffic, it looks impressive on paper, but it does not really say much about how well your site content is doing.

Email opens

Email marketing seems outdated, but it is still a very important part of your online marketing strategy and can help boost your Lakeland website design in many ways when it is done properly. However, like the blog page views metric, email opens don’t say a lot about how well your email marketing strategy. All this tells you is that the user opened the email, but this metric does not tell you if they clicked on any of the links on the email or availed of any of the promos in it. Many people open emails without intending to read it, so there is no benefit to using email opens as a metric to determine the success of your marketing.